Sunday 13th May 2018
Meet at Gibbons Bar, Shrule @ 11 am for registration
subject to weather on the day – check this website on the day to avoid disappointment
Join us for an afternoon of fun, finding treasure and photographing items around Ballinrobe, Claremorris and Tuam.
11 am Registration, 11.30 am sharp Depart, lunch stop en route.
Return 4 pm ish to Shrule.
€10 per car.
You don’t need a vintage car to take part,

and if you don’t have a car, we can arrange for you to have a lift in one of our cars.
1st Prize for winning car team minimum €40 or 1/3 of car takings, whichever is higher.
Organisers Neil Fraser 086 852 7786
If you plan to attend, please Text by
1pm Wednesday 2nd May,
with your name and the number of people in your car, so space can be allocated for lunch .
Alternative contact is Bartley Horan 086 824 6671
Treasure Hunt Procedure and Rules Sept 10th
Entry is €10 per car, regardless of number of occupants. Each driver will be given a playing card.
The objectives are:
Have a fun and interesting day and if you get around to it ….
1 : To find and physically bring back as many of the treasure items from the list provided.
2 : Photograph various things on route on one phone. You MUST include the “face” of the playing card on every photograph, otherwise the photos on your phone, will not be counted.
3 : Answer questions from clues provided
There is no timing for finding the “treasure” and answering the clues, so absolutely no need for any speeding.
Any team found to be speeding will be disqualified immediately.
Be respectful of the surroundings, people and businesses.
If the team cannot find the item of treasure, or item to photograph, move on to the next one, as most items are in no particular order.

Gibbons bar to Kilmaine 8 Kms,
to Ballinrobe 9 Kms
from Ballinrobe 22 Kms, to Claremorris
lunch at Flanagan’s Bistro Pub, Brickeen
which is 5 Kms north east just off the N60 Tel: 094 938 0101)
then 50 Kms, to Cloonfad R 327,
Dunmore R 63 and Tuam 30 Kms,
then back to Gibbons Shrule. Total distance 98 Kms.
Step by Step route directions and treasure locations available on the Day