The final touches are being put to the plans for the the Family Fun Day in Shrule Community Centre on Sunday September 30th .
If you think you might be able to lend a hand can you message this page or email or contact Marie on 087 6305369. Thanks a million
The first ever DUCK RACE is fast approaching in Shrule on the Black River at the Family Fun Day on Sunday next , 30th September 2018.
First prize €200; second prize €100 and 3rd prize is €50. There will also be a prize for the last duck and spot prizes for ducks randomly picked after the main prizes are known.
Each duck costs €5.
Cards to purchase your lines for ducks are located in Shrule Post Office , Mullins’ Londis , The 3 local bars Gibbons’/Cradock’s’/Highway Bar.
Also at the weekend Masses in Shrule and via the national school in Shrule