Campbell’s Bluebird to Dip Her Toes in Scottish Loch

Not a vehicle, but an important story….Neil Fraser  worked on the rebuild for one day 3 years ago… A mere thirty minute ferry ride from Glasgow lies the Isle of Bute, an exquisite, cookie-cut piece of premium Scotland in all its beauty dropped into the Clyde within easy reach and the location of many an

Autojumble acknowledgements 2018

We would like to thank all the visitors to our autojumble today your presence was appreciated. We’d also like to thank the autojumblers who came from far and wide to Shrule today and finally a big thank you to the vintage club members from our neighbouring Clubs who showed up , we will be seeing

Galway 1965

Happy new year to all – here’s a video of the streets of Galway 1965 around time galway cathedral was opened. Lots of classic cars to be seen on Shop Street ! Share