WE rescheduled this years show to Sunday September 10th . Hope to see ye all there . . . in the sunshine ! Childrens entertainment will be FREE on the day . Share
Annual Show
Castlehackett show info
Annual show on July 10 th 2022
Annual show on July 10 th 2022 Vintage Show Monster Autojumble Vintage vehicle Auction at GLENCORRIB , Shrule Sunday , 10th July 2022 Vintage cars , tractors , farm machinery , stationary engines , modified cars and commercial vehicles . Lots of entertainment for adults and children . Public welcome from 10:00 AM and
Pig Racing Video
For those of you who missed the Pig Racing at Glencorrib Vintage Show last Sunday (June 10th) here is a quick clip Please note the pigs are very well cared for and are trained to run for reward ( chocolate cookies no less ! ) , apparently pigs are smarter than dogs …… Share
Glencorrib 10th June
This years Vintage Show is moving to a new location due to the ravages of 12 months rain on our previous location in Castlehackett . The Club would like to thank the Castlehackett owners for their hospitality over the last 11 years , the site was a perfect location but for now it is too
2018 Vintage Show is moving to Glencorrib
This years Vintage Show is moving to a new location due to the ravages of 12 months rain on our previous location in Castlehackett . The Club would like to thank the Castlehackett owners for their hospitality over the last 11 years , the site was a perfect location but for now it is too