Sunday , 10th July 2022

The 2022 show planned for July 10th 2022   Vintage Show and Monster Autojumble at GLENCORRIB , Shrule Sunday , 10th July 2022 Vintage cars , tractors , farm machinery  , stationary engines , modified cars and commercial vehicles . Lots of entertainment for adults and children . Public welcome from 10:00 AM and finishing

Historc Vehicle statistics (UK)

FBHVC 2020 National Historic Vehicle Survey The results of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs’ 2020 survey are now out and a summary of the statistics has been published in the infographic below – click on the image to enlarge it. Share

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year from us all at Shrule & District Vintage Club . Hopefully 2021 will be better than 2020 Share