Michael Holleran memorium vintage road run

Michael Holleran memorium vintage road run on sunday 23 April from shrule , meeting at 10.00, leaving at 10.30. This run will take us into West Mayo by Ballinrobe Westport, Louisburgh, Leenaun, and Clonbur where we will stop for some thing to eat. Will we be taking in some of the wild Atlantic way. For

NAF 935

Even the oldest Rolls in Headford had to suffer the rain to help bring a smile to the crowds, who lined up for hours to see the SDVC vehicles in all their glory…. Share

St.Patricks Day Parade

The Headford parade from John McHugh’s Youtube channel https://youtu.be/kvc_xRUn9pE John commented “The weather was cruel but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the people of Headford and surrounding areas who turned out in larger numbers to view this years parade. Congratulations to all those who organised the parade, to all those who took part in

Future club activities :: survey results

Neil’s  survey results. Over the past 4 months, I have had feedback to a survey I sent out,    “What do you want the club to do for you in the future”? I got 12 responses from the members, the results are available to members when logged into this site , username and passwords are